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Child Custody

Child Custody Your children and their well-being will be the first and the most important area through which we will guide you. Indeed, child-related issues are the most emotional issues in a divorce. We understand how important your children are, and we will make their well-being and best interest our highest priority. We will work with you, and when necessary, fight for you, to attain a parenting plan that meets your children’s needs.

Divorce can present heart-wrenching questions for your children. Where will they live? Are they at fault for this divorce? How can they avoid saying anything to hurt either parent? What if your spouse is pressuring the children to side with him or her, or telling them things that are not appropriate for children to hear?

At the outset of your case we will meet with you to discuss your children’s needs and custody-related matters. We will empower you with information and knowledge about the custody process and the laws involving custody and mediation. We will explain to you the difference between joint legal custody and joint physical custody, along with the legal standards used in resolving custody disputes. The best interest of your children is paramount under California law!

Child Custody Many factors will be considered in determining a custodial sharing arrangement that is in the best interest of your children. Among them are considerations such as the age of the children, each parent’s historical background of involvement with the children, and also such factors as domestic violence or a parent’s use of illegal drugs or abuse of alcohol.

What if you and your spouse cannot agree on a parenting plan? We will then provide you with information and guide you through your options. We have expert consultants available if needed to help you prepare for custody mediation. If the negotiation and the mediation processes both fail, our team of experienced attorneys is prepared to litigate your case in court.

If you wish to schedule a consultation with Andrew J. Botros or Matthew S. Blado, call us at (858) 793-8884.